Louie: 4 years old male Yellow Lab 67 pounds Neutered
Background: Louie is a very sweet boy and loves all people and other dogs. The current owner has had Louie since he was 8 weeks of age. Since Louie was a puppy he would lick his paws but the full blown allergy issue did not start to happen until about a year ago. The owner feels it best to find Louie a new home as they are not able to keep up with the care of Louie and feel he would do better in a home that can be consistent. They have given Louie a solid foundation and love him but know it is the best thing for Louie in the long run..
What Louies Current Owner Says: Louie is 4 and is in his physical prime. He’s a tremendous swimmer and overall athletic specimen with boundless energy when given the opportunity to run. Having said that, he’s also comfortable and mellow in a home environment having lived for 2 years in a San Francisco apartment and 2 years in a house with a small yard with no issues. He’s always slept on his own bed and never been allowed on couches or beds. No separation anxiety - he is able to be left all day and even over night for an extended period so long as he has food and water. Goes in and out on his own. He’s well trained in sit, stay, come, lay down, jump up, and waits to eat until given the command to “eat!.”
Very smart dog and obedient to those he knows and respects. Good on leash once respect is established. He’s also trained to a come to a dog whistle when off leash such as at the beach. Rambunctious and persistent in play but never aggressive to people or dogs. When faced with an aggressive dog he ignores or submits every time. Does not retaliate. He was raised since 8 weeks old with a little girl who was then 1.5 years old and has lived with ever since. He is great with kids of all ages. Curious, excited and playful with cats. Prey instincts towards birds but not towards cats. Loves fetch, chase, tug of war, ear rubs and anything in the water.
What Louie's Rescue Rep Says: Louie is truly a Great dog and will make a great addition to any home. He can be in a home with other dogs, with kids and we think cats. He is one Big love! He loves all people and animals and has not had any issues with anyone or anything. He has a solid foundation from the owner and we would want an adopter that knows large dogs, continue his training and get Louie plenty of exercise. Louie knows many commands and of course loves Treats and is a true working dog! He loves to swim, has no issues in the car and has good leash skills but an adopter will need to establish the pack structure to continue on his solid foundation with Louie.
Medical: Louie has allergies and will need monthly medication probably for his life. (GGLRR was able to get a consult with a dermatology Vet this week and they said he is beyond taking the Cytopoint shots and Apoquel. We have him on Atopica and Ketoconazole pills. Louie started this medication on 02/21 and we can already notice a difference in his skin.) The medication will cost around $100 a month. GGLRR is working with the owner to get on top of his allergies and once things are on a good path; he should only need some pill medication each day and maybe some weekly baths with a medication shampoo.
Louie is on a special food diet at this time but it is recommend by the dermatology vet to ween him off this food as he does not have a food allergy but an environmental allergy. Louie is neutered, has all his shots, is microchipped and other than his allergies he is a very healthy boy.
Located In: Petaluma
Please note our service area: GGLRR adopts to the greater San Francisco Bay Area.See other Labs Available